The new funeral clip has once again proven the spoilers right down to the dialogue

The new funeral clip has once again proven the spoilers right down to the dialogue

Attached: MV5BYTExZTdhY2ItNGQ1YS00NjJlLWIxMjYtZTI1MzNlMzY0OTk4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEyMjM2NDc2._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x1482, 138.51K)

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I don't think the whole movie is like that

whats wrong with the funeral clip it was good

Reminder that the new candidate mayor will be a woke black girl unironically named Bella that will be the one to truly fight for a better Gotham, alongside with the black Jim Gordon, and the black Catwoman.

It just confirms that the spoilers from august or whenever it was were real and not larp

im literally never watching this or anything related to it
what made the clip shit


What other spoilers were leaked?

Black people

post spoils

Yeah. That's happening.
Batman in this movie will be a enraged sperg who just fights and tortute low-level thugs and will be constantly called by others to confront his white toxicity and white privilege, something that the character will be forced to tackle once he finds out that his parents were actually corrupt and helped make Gotham the shit-hole it is.

He is self-taught, meaning he learned to fight by watching Yotube vids, and will get his ass handed to him by common thugs constantly.
it's pretty much that telltale game

Thank you

>leaker stops posting half way into the thread
fuck off

oh, it's gonna be another one of those "months of schizo whining from Any Forums" movies

>Ezra so afraid of Zoe he wouldn't post on her page and did it on Jason's instead

Attached: Screenshot_2022-01-30 Jason Momoa on Instagram “so proud can’t wait march 4th love u zozo Reposted • zoeisabellakravitz #th[...].png (724x456, 385.96K)

I thought that was some Ezra Miller fan page and not legitimately the real Ezra?

>mayor gets drugged by an escort
So he gets punished for trusting women. Based.
>riddler kills him and writes no more lies
Making him a conspiracy theorist according to the media. Based.
>future penguin beats someone to death with a gun
>conspiracy theorist riddler wants to expose a secret society that controls the city
Riddler wants to expose the jews. Based.

So uh, where's the leaks that say this is a woke piece of trash?

The hero and the villain get schooled by the blackies.


He told the KKK he was gonna kill them yesterday, it's really him

alfred ends up being part of the society, the court of owls. and he’s set up as a villain for the next movie
it’s retarded