Actors you that unironically enhance a film

What was his best role?

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The company game

Runaway Train or Pope of Greenwich Village

>I always dress for the occasion

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For me, it's Mr Brightside

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His best role was as the dirty hippy in the 'coming of age' movie Rude Awakening

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way better than I thought it would be

great film about the futility of the hippy stuff

Human centipede 3

Bill Gates looks like THAT?

kek I thought the same thing


Runaway Train by far, also Jon Voight's best film.


Everyone needs to watch this, if only for the amazingly hilarious twist at the end

a talking cat

He should've been doing sleazy roles.. I know he is even more open to shitty roles than Michael Caine but he could do better. What is the highlight of his career? That AKON/The Killers music video? Excluding Runaway train.

Don't know how he has the time but he's been playing the role of my dad for nearly 30 years now, never missed a day
It's nuts

Emma, show feet.

Paulie in The Pope of Greenwich Village

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The older he gets the more he works although it looks like covid slowed him down a bit
can anyone graph no of tv/film roles against year

he peaked in 2019 at 31 shows/films in one year