West is overreacting on Russian army buildup so much, it's now hits our economy

West is overreacting on Russian army buildup so much, it's now hits our economy

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>our economy
you mean the five potato fields that are your whole economy?

It hit our economy too. Buy low, sell high, or HODL like me.

>West is overreacting
your ambassador literally begged for weapons in public television here. we gave him some steel helmets :D

are you not afraid? what if the Russians really invade?

it won't be significantly worse, ukraine is basically russia-tier already so they can't drag them down further.


You mean your biennial “cry wolf and they’ll give me $2bn” scheme has backfired. You get what you fucking deserve.

I get that, but i hope if we do fight. I hope me and that Russian soldier I am destined to fight can fight as equals.
I find Russians funny. Reminds me of my fellow Americans with the videos i've seen.

Bro the russians are gonna invade any minute now the TV told me so

We are invading, quick westerners, withdraw all your investments from Ukraine! The bombs are already flying, you gotta be quick!

stop coming here you freaks, i swear half of your economy is businesses that set up polish worker visas for you
fuck off to germany

You made them, you feed them.

I buy high sell low

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It's also about investing in Russia, you know? I'm not buying back any stocks until all this crap is over

you made them you retard

I knew it was a fucking nothing burger like 3 weeks ago why I didn't I fucking short your economy I am a fucking retard

West is hungry for new wars

Is Ukraine and Belarus being the parts of Russia that you and your minions conquered just a coincidence?

>why I didn't I fucking short your economy
because ukraine doesn't have a stock market

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