I am Christian and studied the bible for 28 years

ask me anything

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nice quads
did god bless you with those as a favor for studying the bible for 28 years?

Do you believe that souls are judged immediately upon death, or do they wait for judgement day in Hades?

Who was the snake in the Garden of Eden?

Yes ! As I grow in knowledge of God, my faith becomes stronger.

Faith will help you too to please God.

Hebrews 11:1, 6
Tro er den sikre forventning om det man håber på, det tydelige bevis på virkelige ting der ikke ses. Hvis man ikke har tro, er det umuligt at blive godkendt af Gud, for den der nærmer sig Gud, må tro på at han eksisterer, og at han vil belønne dem der oprigtigt søger ham.

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will jesus circumcise me in the afterlife and suck on it like j*wish rabbi?

Jotkut herätetään taivaaseen hallitsemaan kuninkaina Kristuksen kanssa (2. Korinttilaisille 5:1; Ilmestys 5:9, 10). Tätä kutsutaan Raamatussa ”ensimmäiseksi ylösnousemukseksi” ja ”varhaisemmaksi ylösnousemukseksi”.

Molemmat ilmaukset viittaavat siihen, että seuraa myös toinen ylösnousemus. (Ilmestys 20:6; Filippiläisille 3:11.)

Tässä jälkimmäisessä ylösnousemuksessa ihmiset herätetään maan päälle, ja suurin osa kuolleista herätettävistä kuuluu tähän ryhmään (Psalmit 37:29).


Satan (Revelation 12:7-9)

No, circumcision was a sign of the covenant between the ancient nation of Israel and Jehovah

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Retard, that's not Christianity.

Kyllä. Olemme kristittyjä seuraavista syistä:

Pyrimme noudattamaan tarkoin Jeesuksen Kristuksen opetuksia ja jäljittelemään hänen käytöstään (1. Pietarin kirje 2:21).

Uskomme, että vain Jeesuksen välityksellä voi pelastua. ”Taivaan alla ei ole toista ihmisten keskuudessa annettua nimeä, jonka välityksellä meidän täytyy pelastautua.” (Apostolien teot 4:12.)

Kun jostakusta tulee Jehovan todistaja, hänet kastetaan Jeesuksen nimessä (Matteus 28:18, 19).

Rukoilemme Jumalaa Jeesuksen nimessä (Johannes 15:16).

Uskomme, että Jeesuksella on valta kaikkiin ihmisiin nähden (1. Korinttilaisille 11:3).

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You are not a Christian, you are a member of cult that pushes people away from Jesus. I also think that you are paid to shill your sect here. Pic related is just first page and it's just from Any Forums, you are also doing this on other boards as well.

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Dat numbers checked, but I will still try my deceptions.

1. If g-d is so good why he allows all the evil things happen?

2. How is that being tortured and suffering leads to martyrdom and heaven. Is g-d a sadist who likes us being in pain?

3. How g-d allows his church be so wicked and broken organisation. How he allowed it to split orthodox/catholic and than later to many other schisms so we now have anglicans, protestants and stuff?

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but your pic shows that I love talking about Jesus though ?

Also I am not paid and no Christian is paid to talk about God.

Jesus said: “You received free, give free.” (Matthew 10:8) J

Jesus issued that instruction to his apostles when he sent them forth to preach the good news.

Did the apostles obey this directive ?

Yes !

and they continued to do so even after Jesus departed from the earth.

For instance, when the former sorcerer Simon saw the miraculous powers possessed by the apostles Peter and John, he offered to pay them to impart that power to him. But Peter rebuked Simon, saying: “May your silver perish with you, because you thought through money to get possession of the free gift of God.”—Acts 8:18-20.

The apostle Paul displayed a spirit similar to Peter’s.

Paul could have allowed himself to be a financial burden to his Christian brothers in Corinth. However, he worked with his own hands to support himself. (Acts 18:1-3)

Thus, he could say with confidence that he had preached the good news to the Corinthians “without cost.”—1 Corinthians 4:12; 9:18.

Sad to say, many who claim to be followers of Christ have not shown the same willingness to “give free.” Indeed, many of the religious leaders in Christendom will “instruct just for a price.” (Micah 3:11)

Some religious leaders have even become wealthy from money collected from their flocks. In 1989, one U.S. evangelist was sentenced to a jail term of 45 years.

The reason ?

He had been “defrauding supporters of millions of dollars and using some of the money to buy homes, cars, holidays and even an air-conditioned dog kennel.”—People’s Daily Graphic, October 7, 1989.

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>le heckin gook book
fuck off weeb, back to

>If g-d is so good why he allows all the evil things happen?

In the garden of Eden, the Devil misled Adam and Eve. Satan accused God of being a bad Ruler. He claimed that God was keeping something good from Adam and Eve.

Satan wanted them to believe that he would be a better ruler than Jehovah and that they did not need God.—Genesis 3:2-5

Satan challenged Jehovah in front of millions of angels. (Job 38:7; Daniel 7:10) So Jehovah gave Satan time to prove whether his accusation was true.

He also gave humans time to set up their own governments under Satan’s guidance to show whether they could be successful without God’s help.

> How is that being tortured and suffering leads to martyrdom and heaven. Is g-d a sadist who likes us being in pain?

Because you show that you have faith in God and prove Satan a liar, just like Jesus who died faithful.

>How g-d allows his church be so wicked and broken organisation. How he allowed it to split orthodox/catholic and than later to many other schisms so we now have anglicans, protestants and stuff?

In his illustration of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus foretold a great rebellion (apostasy) against true Christianity. (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43)

For a long period of time, true Christians and false Christians would be indistinguishable. Just as Jesus foretold, the apostasy flourished after the apostles died. (Acts 20:29, 30)

While apostate teachings may vary, the various forms of imitation Christianity have all “deviated from the truth.”—2 Timothy 2:18.

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What sort of sect is it? The domain is censored is Russia, so I can't lurk myself.

What were Jesus' thoughts on anime?

Jehowas witness

Can I ask to God to be sent to Earth again instead of going to heaven?

What's hell like?


Dieu choisit un nombre limité de chrétiens fidèles qui, après leur mort, seront ressuscités pour vivre au ciel (1 Pierre 1:3, 4)

Ils serviront comme rois et prêtres aux côtés de Jésus pendant 1 000 ans (Révélation 5:9, 10 ; 20:6) La Bible indique que 144 000 personnes seront ressuscitées pour la vie céleste (Révélation 7:4).

Dieu promet la vie éternelle sur terre à la plupart des personnes qui font le bien (Psaume 37:11, 29, 34).
„For de levende ved, at de skal dø, men de døde ved ingenting! . . . I dødsriget [hebraisk: sje’ōlʹ (Sheol), som i nogle ældre danske bibeloversættelser er oversat med „helvede“], hvor du går hen, er der ingen handling eller sammenhæng, ingen kundskab eller visdom.“ — Prædikeren 9:5, 10, da. aut.

Hvad afslører dette skriftsted om de dødes tilstand? Lider de i Sheol for at sone deres synder? Nej, for der siges: „De døde ved ingenting.“

I Bibelen betyder Sheol simpelt hen menneskehedens fælles grav, hvor al aktivitet er ophørt. I den græske del af Bibelen, Det Nye Testamente, er det græske ord Gehenna oversat med „helvede“ i den danske autoriserede oversættelse, men det er tydeligt at Gehenna, som oprindeligt var navnet på en losseplads uden for Jerusalem, bruges som et billede på fuldstændig tilintetgørelse som følge af Guds ugunstige dom. — Mattæus 10:28.

Læren om evig pine i et helvede findes altså ikke i Bibelen og harmonerer ikke med hvad Bibelen lærer om Gud. Hvilken forbrydelse, uanset hvor frygtelig den måtte være, kunne få en kærlig Gud til at pine et menneske for evigt? (1 Johannes 4:8)

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How can i know the acts described by the bible are really miracles if I've never seen a miracle in my personal experience? I have nothing to compare those biblical "miracles" to.