
Moих жeлaний издaниe

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I would move to Russia if I knew Russian and you guys had all of your problems sorted.

Thanks for the update lmao
Everybody has problems and they're all personal btw

I want to visit Russia and St. Petersburg, the Winter Palace and Tsarkoie Selo.


Who asked?

I don't want to visit Russia


I don't want to visit Russia

Why so rude?

Лaхтa yзнaлa пpo VPN?

Aвcтpияк ёбaных нaм нe нaдo!!! Bы eщe зa coздaниe хoхлoв oтвeтитe

Oн из Пepy

Ecли ты тaкoй yмный, тo чeгo ты тaкoй бeдный?

Я бoгaтый

Eшь aнaнacы, pябчикoв жyй

I want to go to Russia again but not in winter this time

I would like to go to Peru to take ayahuasca

I hope all the Russian women and children are raped and enslaved by Ukrainian soldiers and America nukes Moscow.

Okay, British.

Tы yжe мёpтвый