Which one is superior

Attached: image_2022-01-31_224443.png (204x160, 3.74K)


Because like with sentences, commas imply a continuation and periods imply you can go no further.


Period means the sentence is over
Comma breaks up statements for ease of read

Just duh

euros gtfo

Dumbass pieces of shit

10'000.00, no question

Yhe , is bigger and easier to spot, the . Is just to break it up in bit size pieces. Without the . it wouldn't be clear if it's one number or several

middle one, obviously. Imagine the span of commas in big numbers, looks horrible

numbers aren't sentences and the period isn't even the end of a number in your system


What number is that

There is no case for the others. you're just being a contrarian,
(see that punctuation? Looks off doesn't it?)


You know what I mean, it can go no further after the decimal number. That it doesn't function exactly like a sentence doesn't defeat my point.

It could be either 32.342,43, or 32,34243. But you just fucked up any format, so nobody knows

Thirty two million three hundred forty-two thousand fourty three


The comma 122,443 is a the full statement of full numbers. The period is for the partial.

This is very important with programming and math.

periods can sometimes be difficult to see :\


Try again

Jesus fucking christ. Just tell me the fucking number.


you mad bro

Attached: 1640793862010.png (388x413, 4.28K)


I'm in.


I don't use commas nor points, I just write the full number and if I need to add decimals I then use the commas.
Go get any receipt at the supermarket that's got a value higher than 1000 and then you come tell me.

Format it correctly so we can read it.

Nice IP address, yours?

this is not how you use dots, they separate groups of 3 algorisms counting from the smallest value to the the largest

Attached: cenita.jpg (591x360, 34.36K)

0001 0100 1000 1000

These europeans dont get language and numbers and measurements are for ease of use
Its crazy to them we switch between measurement units with ease rather than saying crazy shit like i am 1.764 cms tall, i weigh 76.87 kilos ands a hot one at 25.76c but it was a cool day at 18.87 c yesterday

>receipt at the supermarket that's got a value higher than 1000
Never spent more than 300-400 kn at a supermarket in my life

Third is the only correct version.

Its a coordinate number.
It was a trick question to show how stupid it is to use periods.

>paying over 30 bucks for whisky
>paying over 3000 bucks for "old whisky"
Alcoholics are fucking stupid.

>total en dolares
Why is this on the receipt?

Coordinates are in ddd°mm'ss,s"

this still doesn't make sense even as a coordinate

Imagine using the punctuation mark that notes the end of a sentence as a reading break in a number

Imagine having a punctuation mark that means a temporary break in a sentence and NOT using it as a temporary break in a number

Continentals are unhinged