
lunar new year edisi

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How many of you guys have new year eve family gathering today?

I used to until covid.

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how to become smarter? I feel more retarded than ever since I started cooming. any tips for semen retention?

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Read more books instead of manga/anime

try april bro

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6th for TNI Amerika ketar ketir

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Too many pajeet lovers in this thread

I keep looking at dictionaries every time I find some hard words, and then I still look at it again when I find them a second time. It's so frustrating to be this retarded

>I keep looking at dictionaries every time I find some hard words, and then I still look at it again when I find them a second time.
That is the learning process, user.
Life isn't easy, ya know.

You have no idea how many time I googled "what is append"

Yeah, we do both, celebrate Chinese and Thai (mainland sea) new year.
My family use rapid test kit before visit my grandma

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Does anyone in this thread own telescopes? I am thinking of buying this cheapo F70060 on shoppe for 50$

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this fucking book, man...it's full of alien words like succint, impetus, obfuscation.
i think they use thesaurus in making this book


Based science enjoyer.
Go here user

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Thanks malayanon.

Do /asean/ use flash card to study?

good night, i hate chudnese so much it's unreal

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Well, can't you make educated guess?
obscure - > obfuscation

What are you even reading?
Greek literature?

>parents who speak accented broken engrish to their children despite living in Indonesia

Just make a guess from context of the sentence

Better than speaking pajeet English kek

Do they really suffer? Why don't they just migrate to another country that accept chink ancestry?


This is me when I'm learning Japanese.

>Tim Satpol PP Kotawaringin Timur membawa tiga pengamen anak-anak yang terjaring saat penertiban oleh Dinas Sosial, Kamis (27/1/2022). Foto: ANTARA/HO
>jpnn.com – Kehidupan salah satu keluarga pengemis di Sampit membuat personel Satpol PP Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur, Kalimantan Tengah, kaget.
>Sebab, pengemis itu termasuk kaya. Dia memiliki barang-barang mewah di rumahnya, seperti mobil dan sepeda motor.
>“Walaupun bukan mobil baru, tetap saja itu bukan barang murah,” kata Kepala Penegakan Perundang-undangan Daerah Sugeng Riyanto, Sabtu (29/1).
>Sugeng menjelaskan keluarga pengemis yang didatangi juga memiliki perhiasan emas dan handphone Android.
>“Kehidupan mereka tidak menggambarkan orang tidak mampu yang terpaksa meminta-minta,” ucap Sugeng.
>Sebelumnya, Satpol PP dan Dinas Sosial Kotim merazia gelandangan dan pengemis di Sampit, Kamis (27/1).
>Petugas berhasil menjaring sembilan pengemis dan gelandangan dalam operasi itu.
>Lima orang di anaranya adalah saudara kandung. Mereka pun masih belia.
>Kehidupan salah satu keluarga pengemis di Sampit membuat personel Satpol PP kaget. Mereka pengemis kaya


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Back home. Lets get this shit show over with

I don't. Use Feynman Technique