If you could change ethnicity what would you choose?

I would choose to become a big tough Russian Orcman.

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He looks like he shot testosterone every week
Good choice btw

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idk probably a kiwi. Might be nice not being blonde. I'd want to keep the blue eyes though

I think being half japanese would be nice (japanese passport) but I love both my parents too much to imagine a life without them.

Why Indian?
Something about Russian orc phenotype is so cool and unique. In DnD a Russian orcman would have max stats except for agility and luck. They are also very charismatic despite brutish structure, kind of like how Ugluk or Lurtz are cool and inspiring even if they are “bad guys”.

100% jet black bantu bvll from the deep jungles of the congo.

nothing. i am a russian orcman.

What are differences between kiwi and Australian?
My grandma is Japanese and unfortunately that resulted in my defect cooker perverted brain.

Not much I guess. Famously they talk like retards but apart from that we're pretty much the same. They're probably a bit more rural

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Lucky you, the world is your playground orcman chieftain
Meant coomer

A finger of the monkey's paw curls.
You now look like this.

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This is China's fault

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I would choose to not change my ethnicity.

Nigerian and fuck white girl like bvll

I want to be giant Mongolian man who spends all day riding horses, throwing falcon at stuff, doing throat singing and eating nothing but organic meat/dairy products.

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Cunt looks like a sausage

i would retutn to monke

idk tb h, i'm quiet content with myself

I go from Swedish to Finnish and get more NEETbux.