Did you know that Mexican drug cartels only appeared as recently as the 1980s? I thought they were much older than that

Did you know that Mexican drug cartels only appeared as recently as the 1980s? I thought they were much older than that.

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CIA is responsible

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this but unironically. 70s US policies caused the cartels.

you misspelled latina

How many times are you going to make this thread schizo?

Dont look up Manuel Buendia

Attached: Manuel-Buendia.jpg (300x262, 17.25K)

The gringox have been desestabilizing this country like forever.

They also used to arm comanches to wrec havok into northern Mexico.

The only time they stop being assholes were during and after WW2 which coincidentially the mexican miracle happen (our gdp was growing as fast as 8% per year)

>organize 32 armed uprisings and lose them all
>have a child with a swine tail
>get killed by glowies

The Buendia family really can't cath a break, huh?

How do we put an end to US imperialism and subsequently usher in a Latinx golden age?

>mexico is is shit but it is USA's fault
name a bigger cope.

It's true. The CIA has had its tendrils in all of Latinx-America for decades.

>the cope

>muh based western brothers can and never have done anything wrong

name a bigger cope

Did you know the Mexican Army is completely capable of annihilating and obliterating the drug cartels but the UN came in seething saying "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST KILL THE WHOLESOME DRUGLORD CRIMINAL GROUPS, THEY'RE A HECKIN CIVILIANERINO GROUP!!!!!!!!"

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Is this true?

Yes, every time there is some shooting involving the military and narcos, the CNDH (National commission for human rights) complains that the military killed them and throws tantrums and investigations

lmao that was a nice book

The shit some cartels do like placing decapitated heads on the entrances of towns, hanging people below bridges, and placing cut human faces on signs should be enough reason for them to be classified as terrorist groups that should be hunted like dogs. Fuck the UN, at most they'll just send angry letters to the Mexican government.

US did fund mujahedeens though