/hr/ - Croatia general

Late night edition
Yugofriends welcome

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faggot, we already have a general

that one is full of serbs

SO basically THIS FAG is getting all the YOUS and you are fucking stupid

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and after i leave this one will be full of faggots

uncanny ressemblance

seems like a good place to ask
who's your favourite pants wrestling character?

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i should be going to sleep so i can wake up for work yet i made this thread instead :^) how are you all doing

the fuck is pants wrestling

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a new Croat twink poster?

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I didn't even make this thread

oh nonono goth theory denier bros we got too cocky

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i love you

Are we speak english here?

What is official language?

Either croatian or english is fine, braćo

Hrvatski jezik je sladak :D

thank you
jebote kako pa bi bio Hrvatski tred da se samo totalno ne stide svoje kulture i jezika

ti si sladak :)

kad bumpas /hr/

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nitko ovdje nezna čakavski

Hvala, ali ja tako ne mislim :D

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gdje tu ima išta da sam spomenuo čakavski

kjut maca, kako si naucio hrvatski, friend?

Ponekad čitam/gledam raznovrstani stvari na hrvatskom, stoga malo govorim. Ali ja ne učim po knijgama, stoga pišem čudno

oke je. nije loše

o, prilično dobro znaš, ubrzo ćeš vjerojatno full tečno pisat haha

citaj krlezu


Koji kurac će vam ovo šta tripujete