Do people escape from prison in your cunt?

Do people escape from prison in your cunt?

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wtf is going on in macedonia?

people escape from prison there

that's just how nice the dutch are. they arrest you, let you escape, then you get a steak, beer and joint as a prize

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>Do people escape from [...] your cunt?
only the lucky ones

There was 3k prisonners in Macedonia in 2018
it means that more than 1/4 of the prisonners escape

Prison break is legal here.

For Andorre there is more people escaping than prisonners

Usually people who end up in prison are too retarded to escape.

It's the same dude escaping once a week to buy groceries.

What happens in macedonia?

Kek our justice system sucks ass, this country is a haven for narco bosses and street rats

French should escape a little more prisons are full

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If you by escape mean literally just walking out and not coming back then sure, it happens every now and then.

I'm still on the run, tomorrow I'm crossing into Kosovo

do these statistics imply actual prison breaks or just inmates who fail to return to jail after being given probation/administrative leave? Goddamn, wypeepo need to get a grip on things


No we have army and gendarmier casern

it's per 10000 prisoners

at least in binland it means inmates just won't return to jail after their "vacation".