Who should have been MCU Rhodes?

Both Terrence Howard and Don Cheadle were bad choices. Howard was too whiny, Cheadle is too morose.

Attached: Rhodes.jpg (1920x1080, 71.1K)

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Dave Chapelle.

Fuck that transphobic piece of crap

Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Attached: Stone-Cold-Steve-Austin-2-efaf29d75d124c9e8d007edfbb907116.jpg (1500x1000, 160.18K)

should have hired Kanye west

Cry more, tranny retard. He's based and he's right.

Could have carried on with Cuba Gooding without anyone even noticing the switch

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Should had replaced Terrence Howard with Gabourey Sidibe.

Michael JAI white.
Actually no he should've been Luke cage.

Cameron Mitchell's Ghost.

Terrance Howard was good.

He makes fun of conservatives. The only reason why you guys think he's based is because he shits on trannies

>Terrence Howard
Actually had good chemistry with RDJ. Don Cheadle sucked.

First Iron Man they seemed like real friends

Dont be mean to him.

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Yeah but you can't rely on making Howard carry anything in your franchise as a director, the man is insane. Just a time bomb

It's like that scene in Black Dynamite when Bullhorn slaps that dark nog and replace him with a lighter nog

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I'm not a conservative either lmao, trannies are a cancer that spreads everywhere they go.

Does it really matter? They hardly used him

The problem with Cheadle for me is he too skinny

I'm ok with that