ITT we post pictures of wokeism ruining comics/cartoons

ITT we post pictures of wokeism ruining comics/cartoons

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I don't care about John being bi, is a relative new character and they can still paired him with a girl.The problem was being a teen , both should have been teen or children to continue their chemistry.
Tim and Iceman were worse.

You didn't even care to spell his name right

Kek my bad.
But like I said, the problem is more that Damian/Jon should have the same age, more than him being bisexual, Fuck bendis


>Fuck Bendis
Someone probably has, now there's a scary thought.

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I'll say one thing about the gay Superson; I didn't even know he existed before this controversy.

>>ITT we post pictures of wokeism ruining comics/cartoons
>hurrr durr GUYZ I promise I also hate le woke snowflakes!
>guys.... guys I promise I don't ACTUALLY like it....
>I'm not gay, guys!!
drink bleach you autistic faggot

Its not a controversy to anyone outside of Any Forums

Triggered groomer

They stole this from us.

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Funny thing about bisexuals. In real life, they are almost always in hetetosexual relationships yet in fiction they are always in gay relationships.

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As a bi guy, it's just less social hassle to get hitched to a girl. It's not about liking one more than the other, it's about settling for the lowest level of drama.

Funny thing about bisexuals. In real life [headcanon]

My dick gets hard for Astolfo and Power Girl. That's all I have to say.

Every day, marvel proves the mutant racists right.

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Is sad that after 7 years, they are people defending that him being gay was a good move.
Is like making peppermint patty a lesbian.

>Is like making peppermint patty a lesbian.
There's a big difference in that and Bobby. I don't recall a telepath fucking with Patty's brain to do that.
Actually I've never seen any official content where she's gay so I'm just going to assume this is an ass mad post.

He's saying that making Peppermint Patty a lesbian wouldn't make sense because she's never shown an interest in anyone by Charlie. Likewise, Bobby only ever showed interest in & slept with women.

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To be fair, they rick and Mortyed superboy into a man. Oz was supposed to be some scary fuck. All the 5g shit aka future ass is stupid. You want a black Batman in the future, just go father in to the future. Don't give me the ghost of Batman as some kind of trash man punisher. They made the wrong Robin gay, it should have been Damian and he should be with baby supes. Fuck it I guess. Is Connor back as superboy?

I'm still waiting for time displaced Bobby to show up with mental shielding and expose this shit.
>Just because you don't like what I think about you, doesn't mean you can change it Jeannie!

Imagine taking this panel out of context, Any Forumslacks will do anything to be mad holy shit.