Dave the barbarian is an underrated gem

Dave the barbarian is an underrated gem.

Attached: Screenshot_20220204-003313_Chrome.jpg (720x797, 168.77K)

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Well, their mother is black.

Candy isn't black.

She’s a mutt though

Look user, I know you miss this show. We all do and it was cancelled too soon. But forcing threads like this instead of letting them happen naturally ain't gonna work.

The wokies got to them too?... fuck....

That's sick art and I like that they includedTwinkles the Wonder Horse complete with his thousand yard stare.

>forcing threads
It's princess candy month tiny man .

Attached: MV5BNjNiNDZiOTItNDFkZi00YjYwLWJmNGQtZTk3ZTEyYTJiOTRlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEwMTExMjYz._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x625, 50.07K)

why can't you just post the picture without it being a twitter screenshot? are you that much of a mentally ill zoomer?

Man I wish we had gotten more seasons

Attached: 3A978E00-39A6-459B-878F-BFFEC19091BD.jpg (1920x1080, 241.44K)

The horse talked like Christopher Walken

This time it isn't a stretch though, and the show was good on its own right

Disney did a nice call back to it on Disney+.

Attached: E1CA2F23-6EAE-441D-95EE-2F380CBBFDF0.jpg (1200x675, 150.6K)

Dude even wokies watched the show when they were kids

I liked the intro


>The wokies got to them too?... fuck....
Is this about fanart turning characters black for now reason?

They're all mixed. Their mother is black, or some non-specific black-skinned barbarian race.

Attached: king and queen.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)

>Their mother is black

That can't be true, she's attractive. Srsly though, she has dark skin and not-straight hair. Those eyes are green. Tiny nose. She's just a weird cartoon lady. Neither Dave nor his sisters look black.

Dave's mom is not black.

Back in the day artist could draw pretty black ladies outside of porn and it wasn't considered racist

mom looks mixed race

I don't think you can even equate any of the characters as being modern ethnicities, given it takes place in a chintzy Conan knockoff setting and humans can be anywhere from medieval to straight caveman.

Blacks can have green eyes and tiny noses, but I don't think there ever was any indication that she was being presented as "African-American" or her family as mixed, so yes, she's "ambiguously brown" at best.

that episode lmao what an unapologetically horny ass fetish episode


>Dave's mom is not black.
Yes she is

Not white either then