Disney's only two biracial princesses

>Disney's only two biracial princesses
>One of them constantly gets mistaken for a monkey
What did they mean by this?

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They’re mixed?

Didn’t realize the king and Queen were interracial never occurred to me

I don't even remember what they look like.

Queens black apparently

NOT A MONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!

She shows in the opening of every episode. I guess it never occurs to most people since Dave is basically white when compared to his family.

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It has been forever Dave the barbarian has been on tv in what 12 years?18?

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Is it at least on +?


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Gay teens on tik tok would sexualize the fuck out of Dave

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Might watch it Christ I’m turning into a boomer

no, at least not in america. for some reason it landed on the indian disney+ variant "hotstar"

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The whole show would have probably been a bigger hit if it came out today

Would you?

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Man this only had 1 season with 21 episodes.
Seems like more. I guess they just reran it constantly for a few years.

This show was woke before it became cool.
We need this show now more than ever.

>not in america
I wonder if it's because of that blatantly Jewish villain they had?

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holy shit wagner, what the fuck happened to her face lmao

In a nanosecond


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Man, I really need a pic of Fang in a tattered Raisins uniform.

don't know, never did it with a monkey

That along with the other shows like The replacements, Buzz on Maggie, american dragon, in between Kim Possible, Lilo and Stitch, and Proud family, and their live action shows. Disney channel certainly had a lot of cartoons to show and rerun back then.

What's the matter? She did her makeup and everything.

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