ITT: good moms

ITT: good moms

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All the women posted below canonically fuck their sons. No exceptions.

No doubt

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I don't know, she's raising a neurotic pansy.

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what about the one posted above?

Since he was a toddler

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Tino's mom is based as fuck

do you think TAD's creator is more amused than disgusted at all the incest porn he's inspired?
he related how the Mouse's people showed him fan porn from other series to let him know what to expect and though it was funny then.

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>Single teen mom
>Puts herself through college
>Becomes successful author
>Still acts more immature than her kid

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I can't figure out what this frogeater shit is for the life of me.

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Dunno, Lou has been pretty immature in latest books

the old marge was a good mom, after season 8 she slowly started to become more of a hypocrite and always trying to keep bart down.

this one.
mikey grew up to be quite a good kid.

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hands down one of the best moms in Any Forums surprised she never gets brought up.

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