I hope you’re happy Any Forums, I read Maus because of YOU

I hope you’re happy Any Forums, I read Maus because of YOU.

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A pretty bleak comic.

Yeah, I guess I'm happy.

I never care much about to read it, is about nazis?

>comic about the holocaust isn't light-hearted fun
who would've thought

Pretty lame the author had to steal from another fictional event and couldn't come up with his own.

Yes I am happy

is about CAT NAZIS. Like nazis, but they’re. Hitler is caller Meowler. Like it isn’t but he should

Yeah yeah holocaust didn’t happened jokes but imagine that you only famous comic isn’t one that you actually made the story for, but one that you father did and told. that must be rough

Not only is the Holocaust survivor depicted as an unreliable narrator, but he's also the primary antagonist of the entire story. It should be one of the most Any Forums-friendly depictions of the Holocaust ever made.

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>Any Forums should be loving this blood libel

> Holocaust survivor is portrayed as such a shockingly awful person that the author literally expresses concern that he's just a walking Jewish stereotype

I'll never understand why people get defensive about this book or see it as some kind of pro-Jewish propaganda. It's literally the exact opposite.

user. I'm going to ask your help with something. The last three threads on the topic were absolutely FULL of pol, antipol, and his shitposting. Can we please not do that this time. Handle bait properly? Show proper restraint and use the CORRECT button when someone loses their shit?

Lets at least TRY to keep the discussion about the book itself.

The coolest thing about the story is that it isn’t idealize the holocaust survivor at all, it is shown how he is in real life. That said the MC was also a major asshole
>father and his wife complain about anything
>MC: “uuuh whatever”
>also complaining that her mother killed herself only because “she did it to make me feel guilty”

I wouldn’t say it’s either pro or anti jewish propaganda. Is a story. That’s it. You should be the one to make up your own conclussions, not the book itself

I wanted to talk about Maus but last thread got archived. so ummmm…let’s about maus

Him just throwing away his son's jacket really pissed me off.

did it include piano dog, bear and eagle?

To be fair to Art, Prisoner on Hell Planet was written years before Maus when her death was still fresh on his mind. It felt like he included that into the main story to provide context for his past, not to illustrate how he feels right now.

i saw it rec'd here and almost bought it, but forgot about it. kind of hoping it doesn't come to be associated with gen X political twitter.

that’s typical father behaviour tho. some of the thing dad mouse says and do reminds me of my that

i just read it online. read it there and save some money