It's their birthday

It's their birthday.

Say something nice

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She's a cute tranner ngl

Should we send him a card? Link him to this thread?
cum on copies of his work and send him pics?

Does he really rip off ideas from alan moore?

Alan Moore ripped all his stuff off French Noir

Superman Beyond 3D could be consider that but it's mostly a critique/commentary

>Grant Morrison
What an assface

Attached: Alan Moore.jpg (1200x870, 198.39K)

Grant I don't know how to tell you this but you're a man. You don't get to decide to be trans/nonbinary at 60

Morrison was literally doing this shit for decades, just without accurate terminology.

No he was like David Bowie where he tried being gay because he thought it was cool but then he realized sucking dick was lame so he stopped. Just replace being gay with being trans.

He was indeed

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>Alan Moore
what a hack

>not arse

>at 60
Grant was doing this shit decades before it was trendy.

There's a whole thesis in New X-Men about how teenagers/young adults try to be minorities because it's "cool"

Love your work with Quitely and Yeowell.
Not exactly. He wrote "rebuttals" to Moore's comics in his own comics. While always falling short of Moore (despite standing on his shoulders), those comics are pretty much his best or most popular output. He wouldn't have had such a vibrant and public career in comics if it weren't for a perceived slight (as far as we know). He would have been as forgotten as Milligan.

Atleast he is not Bendis

why the fuck wouldn't he come back to Marvel? Nowadays it's easy to get a solo where absolutely no one bothers you. In fact there's zero editors at Marvel. He could undo whatever he wished. Also Jemas is gone and Quesada was kicked upstairs where he can't do shit anymore. What he fuck is his problem?

They should rethink leaving DC, substack more like subby suck

grant and who else?