What was the point of the Coyote and Bugs Bunny crossovers?

What was the point of the Coyote and Bugs Bunny crossovers?

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They were funny as fuck

Entertaining the viewers.

Please stop Coyote abuse. #CoyoteLivesMatter

He couldn't hunt roadrunner anymore.

Aside from their hilarity justifying their existence, they allowed Chuck Jones to comply with his quota of yearly Bugs Bunny shorts while actually leaning on Will E. to drive the cartoons forward
In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Jones wanted to experiment with a talkative Coyote but knew it'd ruin the pacing of a Roadrunner short, then he realized he had to deliver an X number of Bugs cartoons, connected the dots and realized there was golden opportunities there

It gave Wile E. the chance to go up against someone who could actually turn the tables on him. Road Runner was decent, but the gags were always "X trap fails to perform" -- funny, but in a different way. Also, it gave him an opportunity to get a voice, since Bugs would inevitably have a few things to say.

I like the ones that have the wolf who clearly isn't Willie E. Coyote

That was so damn confusing watching Back in Action as a kid

Attached: Sam_and_Ralph_clock.png (220x167, 83.5K)

Ex lovers.

Wile E's voice is funny as fuck. I still say they should have made him Bugs' antagonist

MUD spellt backwoids is DUM!

They were infinitely better than any Road Runner short. Wile E. Coyote: Super Genius is easily one of the best Bugs Bunny enemies, love those shorts so much.

It’s just such a perfect dynamic. A predator who prides himself on being a genius, faster, and stronger than Bugs but has his head so far up his own ass that Bugs beats him in the simplest ways. I honestly would’ve had no problem with them ditching the Road Runner skits and having Wile E. be a full time Bugs enemy.

They had honestly run out of ideas for the normal pairings by that point.

Comedy you moron.

Make people realize that Bugs Bunny is dtf Wile E. Coyote.

I'd understand that stance if this were late into Looney Tunes run, but the first time Wile E. went up against Bugs was only his second appearance in a cartoon ever, so he was still a completely new character. I imagine they were just experimenting with him at this point.

So why use Willie with Bugs but not Willie with Sam the Sheep Dog?

They weren't the same character put into different scenarios?

That is Ralph Wolf
Quite different in that he is a wolf and not a coyote
Also he has a red nose

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Literally the only difference is the nose but no.

Why do some Americans pronounce Coyote as Kai-yo-tee and some say Kai-yote. Both are wrong you fucking retards.

>Why do some Americans pronounce Coyote as Kai-yo-tee and some say Kai-yote
The latter are just being quirky, like if you ever heard somebody call a tomato a "to-may-turr", they're just pronouncing it that way to be "humorous"