/bcb/ - Bittersweet Candy Bowl

Mike sad

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The archive has now been completely replaced with the webtoon versions btw

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he's smiling in 4/6 panels which means he's happy

Ironically deleting Daisy's perma-crush on Mike has left her with basically zero personality. She had so many issues bundled up in that outlook on life and zip zap zoom Lucy's soapbox coupled with Mike's halloween spergout turned her into nothing more than a single-minded Paulo simp.

It's like she's been lobotomized

This, gunnershit fail and sequential art are all endless webcomics that need to fucking end because they meander and never go anywhere. Is jeff hacks even still writing his comic about the tranny? That one should also end, if so.

what's with the dead space in this page, it looks so awkward with that last smaller panel that's not symmetrical
srs why is not straight!?

Pick one as they no longer intersect

She was at her most interesting during her freshman year arc, it's a shame that everything she went through there was almost entirely attributed to Augustus and thus justified a total character reset

Move on to something else. This is boring.

Unless he's going to try to seduce her. I would love to see that.

Does that mean all of the original shit is lost? Not sure why I asked, since I don't care either way. I have no intention of re-reading this whole thing.


Nah you can download the originals as PDF versions

>Unless he's going to try to seduce her. I would love to see that.
I sure wouldn't
>sees Daisy as a cute little sister type
>cannot stand her insatiable thirst
>comic needs to damn Mike further
>suddenly grey cat needs attention so badly that all that goes out the window
At that point you might as well dye his fur white, give him white contacts, and swap out the scarf for a pink bow

I hope this chapter doesn't involve Mike being disappointed Daisy doesn't want his dick anymore. He always hated that so it'd be hard to believe.

Gunnerkrigg turned into such a dissapointment

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B-but muh pottery! The plot doesn't have to make sense it just has to rhyme!

You could argue it's meant to imply Mike's sense of isolation even though he's just met up with a friend but the eye skips over the negative space and just slides from the sixth panel down to the seventh so I wouldn't say it works.

Daisy wasn't as much of a brat in volume 1 as she became later. She was the first character to have her personality totally replaced and it happened as early as "Pillow Talk" when she's suddenly pining for the attention Augustus gave her.

Mike breaks down

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Daisy was giddy that she flashed her panties to the school in volume 1, that's not a reset. Desperate for male attention is her only consistent trait

That's how it is with math

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Ehh...what's with the big empty space there?
Is it some sort of pottery?

Imagine talking with your friends about this shit instead of the abusive bitch who tormented and guilt tripped you for months

She was always a brat, even when it was justified (ie criticizing Lucy.) As for Augustus, she liked the attention and was jealous that Lucy was the target now, which just further fed into her dumb insecurities.

Laziness, but Taeshi desperately wants to believe this is high art

Let me guess
>Mike cries to Daisy because God forbid he shows dignity in front of anyone
>Daisy doesn't do the "i don't like you anymore" bit but instead tells Mike he deserves it
>A bloo bloo bloo

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