Baby, wait!

>baby, wait!

Attached: 296vys.jpg (1201x823, 136K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Simpsons predicted 9/11 and President Trump
>Futurama predicted Trannies

umm, sweetie that is super not okay to post that transphobic clip from a problematic show. If you are going to make fun of people who identify as female, then there is not a big enough YIKES from me full stop.


>implying trannies are new thing
zoomers were a mistake.

Attached: These Sneeds they used to be Chucks.png (424x319, 274.83K)

Zapp Brannigan says trans rights are human rights

more like "a hole's a hole"

He kinda looks like Elon in the ship pic

Attached: cbXXNUfyJkjSGpFfBWoFdmgB1qU=.gif (480x360, 212.39K)

Ehhh... hair needs to only stick up and the cheeks need to look like tumours for it to be like Elon.
Arguably the nose also doesn't match but I really hate it when they try to mimic the nose in Simpson cameos so I won't deduct marks for that.

Have the Simpsons not actually done an Elon cameo yet or is he not last year's news enough yet?

They had an entire ep dedicated to him seven years ago

they had a typical zombie one, I prefer to think of Hank Scorpio as the foreseen Elon.

Hail, hail Robonia, a land I didn't make up!

Attached: Futurama 4x13.jpg (800x600, 172.09K)

>Kiff, I am a genius. I will encourage other men to pretend to be women so that I will have better odds at picking up real women. And if I still can't get a woman, I have something to laugh at.
>Ugg. Trans rights are human rights, xir

Attached: 1440[1].png (1440x1080, 1.32M)

If Futurama comes back, I really hope they don't try to remedy their transphobia.

>Ugg. Trans rights are human rights, xir

Attached: 1641065733633.jpg (127x188, 10.73K)

reminder that Kiff got pregnant, and Leela is the father.

Well, Kif is male, so he's still the father. Leela is female so I guess the mother. Amy is the true mother apparently.

He didn't offer her enough bathtub minestrone.

Considering how advanced their tech is they could probably actually change someone from man to woman.

I wouldn't want males carrying babies though. I bet any baby to come out of a man would be all fucked up.

They wouldn't be males anymore at that point though.

got me a kek

If they still have the y chromosome, yeah, they're still male. Every cell in their body would be male. And they can't change the fact that before their body was male.

I don't think a male with a uterus transplant could provide nutrition for a fetus. Their body just isn't set up that way.

>Considering how advanced their tech is
After a certain point it stops being "tech" and starts being magic on the level of plot device. "Fountain of Aging"

Attached: FuturamaBenderAsHuman.gif (300x228, 2.57M)

>If they still have the y chromosome
Who says they have though? Hell they could probably go the route of "make female clone, then brain transplant".