Boomer cope: the song

>boomer cope: the song

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Adam, Stav, Nick

>My generation will make it right


>squirts ketchup on tongue

a challenger appears

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Mi testicalias es muy caliente

What if God was one of us?

Now you know why Xers are the only based generation. Unlike boomies, millennials and bottom of the barrel garbage that zoom zooms turned out to be, gen X never maintained delusions of being special as their core identity, quite the opposite in fact.

The mere fact that you think Gen X'ers are an exceptional generation is inherently an incredible obvious display of considering your self to be special for doing absolutely nothing but being born in a special year.

You heard me. I'm from the mid-millennial batch, at the point of my life when still coming to Any Forums is nothing short of laughable and when I finally can be objective about everything.

Honestly Gen x failed to stop hip hop and Jews from blowing their minds out. They’re just vanilla boomers. Better? Yes, but I’m always totally confused by them. Very odd directionless generation.


Even then you had boomers who felt they were born in the wrong generation
>Bob Seger Old Time Rock n Roll
>Huey Lewis Heart of Rock n Roll

that bob seger song is aids

you think they were being non-ironic?

Genesis were based

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Maybe, but Tom Cruise lip syncing it in the movie made it not seem as gay

Yeah there was a period of 50s nostalgia in the 70s and 80s that gets glossed over now. Grease, Stray Cats, Sha Na Na, Huey Lewis

The nostalgia for minus ~20 is always present. Sucks for the kids getting born right today who will be exposed to aged zoomers trying hard to make worthless garbage from their youth a thing.

Come on... They certainly would not just make promises that they know they would never keep.

The funny part is that this line had already aged like milk when they wrote it

True but it's still a banger