Why was England so bad at classical music...

Why was England so bad at classical music? They seem extremely capable at pop and rock music but literally no relevant classical composers were English. Why?

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FUCK yea internet historian!!!

fr fr no cap

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better question would probably be why the germans/austrians dabbed on everyone else so hard

I guess they have Holst, but ethnically he’s only half English

Henry Purcell?

Handel is an honourary Englishman

(you could say the same though for the vision arts, where the English also are found extremely lacking)

I like Vaughan Williams

Let's also mention Arnold Bax.

and John Tavener

>no relevant classical composers
>who is Benjamin Britten?

Britain has had some good composers but it is mainly to do with the class system I believe. Only upper middle-class composers really get any opportunity. The rigid class divide is not so dominant in pop or rock.

a pedo

>it is mainly to do with the class system I believe.
its more rigid than in austria, germany, russia, italy, france, etc?

Doesn't make him a bad composer.

They're a people of merchants and businessmen. Pop music is perfect for their model of consumption. Classical music requires sensibility, craft and years of training, which are not profitable.

His compositions do

Classical takes more discipline and autism for geometrical perfection of melodies and arpegios.

Pop music is flashy crap meant to give you a fleeting feelgood sensation. Brits are good at this sort of fleeting flashy deserts, just look at their candies and lolipops.
It's also because Anglo culture is focused on the commercial and on the "most common denominator" in everything. That's why Anglo culture is so centered on empicism, because it emphasises that sort of mental pattern that everyone could notice, the ground level of mental capacity. "Common sense" they call it, but it's actuall plebeian mediocre values.

Whereas continental classical has always been about autistic correct performance, elite values, elevation, peaks of individual achievement, to the detriment of the masses that can't appreciate.

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>Pop music is flashy crap meant to give you a fleeting feelgood sensation. Brits are good at this sort of fleeting flashy deserts, just look at their candies and lolipops.
lol not a chance. where british music really excelled, it came from either class struggle, or humour and irony, it was never feelgood pop

>literally who
Not English

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Could be because they were Protestants. The Catholic Church was a large patron of classical music for the veneration of God, I imagine much of the developments grew out of that.

only actual decent answer itt


Both of these are understandable desu

/thread, Any Forums is laughably ignorant about music.

Too busy fighting the French.

Britain was mostly about hymnody in that era and at that they are extremely relevant.

Hymn lyrics + hymn metre meant that it was quite decentralised. Essentially crating a DIY environment where the congregations could pick the tune,

Church congregations spread the music around the British empire (which included America) and through all classes. Everyone in the church would sing the hymns every Sunday.

Modern pop and rock evolved from British hymns.
British hymns -> American gospel music-> rock and roll -> rock

Germans are extremely overrated, I genuinely don´t understand how people consider them the GOAT of classical when their music lacks nuance, melodicism, energy and practically anything that makes music enjoyable. Austria is slightly however still really overrated.

you misswrote Italy