Anco bros.... I'm thinking we're back

Anco bros.... I'm thinking we're back

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Is Royal and Desire a top tier closer?

Yes. I cannot wait for the album to drop so we can get it in hi-fi glory. Also, yes, they're back. Deakin confirmed a month or two ago they would be recording an entirely separate LP soon and supposedly the boys were spotted together at a recording studio in NY. We're
getting another LP apart from Time Skiffs guys. The best part? It will have Defeat.

drowned rat kino

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the first time i saw this video i was legitimately upset with deakin. fucking rude.

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It was the eye contact 100% that shit was fucking evil

and what makes it worse is even like the picture posted you can see how upset avey is. he must really love red velvet cake

>"My mom used to make a red velvet cake when I was younger"
yup :'(

why do they look so fucking greasy? use some goddamn shampoo ffs

you guys say this everytime they release something new

the love runs deep, real ones know

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No one said that after the PW debacle. The consensus was that they were done.

its so sick being an anco bro. new releases every year.

i've personally been feasting since day with the homies vinyl shipped

I was the king of hipsters in 2007 and all I remember about anco is that posers who never got laid thought they were the best band and would ruin parties by putting on their DVD. bummer shit

Literally got mogged in hype by a band that lost its singer lmao

What do you think are the most underrated Anco tracks? For me it's:
>Mouth Wooed Her
>Penny Dreadfuls
>Flesh Canoe
>New Town Burnout

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wow, being the biggest faggot in an anco thread is an unlikely feat considering the stiff competition but you pulled it off. congrats.

2007 taste is so perfect but i love 2009 taste too