This but with music

This but with music

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the most clear line between NPC and non ever written.

Ambient music

you’re so scared of your own judgement you'd allow other people to tell you if your music taste is valid

It's the same with video games. It really has to do with how cultured you are in the media. If you are familiar with the masterpieces and the variety of "quality" stuff your taste gets refined accordingly and of course you're going to notice things that aren't as well produced for whatever reason.

>a screenshot of an instagram post that was a screenshot of a tweet

to me 99% of music is neither bad nor good, it's just sound that goes in one ear and out the other. Very little music actually excites me or makes me want to seek more of it.

bad movies aren't necessarily movies you wouldn't have fun watching them but they usually have many areas they could be improved in

I honestly rarely listen to something voluntarily and think its awful, but still I dont think that being overall bad artistically and being fun to consume are incompatible, specially with music. In the end its all opinion. It all depends on how demanding you are of your media and how much you care. I do like some shitty songs knowing they are not really good (for example: ) but they just click for me. So if you do enjoy 99% of what you hear, good for you! It just means you are not very picky with your music taste.

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>allow other people to tell you if your music taste is valid
where did this come from

>Very little music actually excites me or makes me want to seek more of it.

Or maybe they don't care about music that much to spend time thinking and analyzing it.

really? There is some BAD pop songs out there, at least, in my opinion. But, I can listen to those and just know, wow, this is awful. I don't have fun listening to those songs at all.

and it's funny because I think Borderlands is a very boring game. yet, people love that shit.

I can't remember an album that I thought was bad. Maybe I just forget about them or I just don't think an album is bad just because I don't like it, and I don't spend time thinking about why I don't like a specific album I just stop listening to it and move on. I don't see why anyone would do that unless they write reviews on RYM.

>and it's funny because I think Borderlands is a very boring game. yet, people love that shit.
yeah that's very funny, almost as if people have different brains

user, no one likes Borderlands. not even you

never said I did


i can find enjoyment in almost anything on some level but that's not the same as not knowing when it sucks. sometimes you know a record is shit but you've already committed so you're not going to feel bad

Pitchfork culture

its not necessarily something I do on purpose. Sometimes it's just meh this isn't bad but it's really not my thing or it's good but it's not great and I don't feel like putting effort into active listening for something that isn't great rn. Other times it's just wow this is inoffensively bland/generic/cheesy whatever and it's onto the next.. but sometimes something seems so off the mark and offensive to your ears you just automatically start looking for reasons why. Same way you do it for things you really love.
Aren't we always trying to identify why we have the opinions we do? How else would we figure ourselves and our tastes out? I don't bother writing reviews but I love thinking and talking about music.
I think it's important too, to be able to recognize when something isn't well crafted vs. something just isn't your taste, and to allow space for things that aren't well crafted that are your taste without some weird social guilt. Exploring why we do and don't enjoy things can be a great tool for self discovery imo